Friday, 15 February 2013

Character Development- Main Character

My film opening contains around 8 characters- 6 girls who act as victims and 2 males; a psychiatrist and a mentally unstable attacker. However, there is a noticable absence of a main character. The main character of a film serves as a point of focus in a film and the audience positions themselves with them. If my project somehow turned into a full length 90-or-so minute long film, the main character would not appear in the films opening 2 minutes, which isn't usually the case.
However, I feel it necessary to create a background for the eventual main character of the film, just so the audience can pre-position themselves with her even though they may only see about 5 seconds of her in the opening. So here is her background:

Full name: Jasmine Cynthia Harrison
Age: 18 and 3/4
Appearance: Shortish blonde hair, petite figure, bright blue eyes, pale skin, typical English Rose
Hometown: A quaint town a few miles NW of London
Parents: Olivia and John Harrison
Education: Reasonably good GCSE and A Level grades
Current living situation: Living with a roommate in student acomodation at university
Career: Hopes to be a journalist, currently doing work experience in between a part-time university course.
Likes: Coffee, books, quiet places, thick jumpers, bright nails
Dislikes: Untidiness, being in doors for too long, wasps, storms
Hobbies: Painting, reading, watching films, walking
If she had to describe herself in one word: Laid-back

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