Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Homecoming- Short Film


This is the first practical work we did in this course, and also the first time we used Adobe Premier Pro to edit. We were given a genre of film- a thriller, and a title- 'Homecoming', were put into groups of three or four, and were given about an hour in total to film. As a group we had complete creative control without any outside influences.

A variety of shots were used to capture the story and make the genre and theme of the film clear. Shots such as close up, tilt shot, long shot and extreme long shot were all often used. To encourage the theme of a Thriller, we decided not to use any dialogue until the very end to build up the suspense but also to put more focus on the different shot and angle types.

Each member of the group were responsible for different shots, and we all ended up with the same clips to use however we wanted. The good thing about this is that we could use these shots however we wanted- either conventionally or as abstract as we could, so no one in the group ended up with exactly the same finished product. One member of he group, Jacob, used different styles of cutting to make the film fast-paced, while I opted to put the clips in chronological order and keep the pace slower to add suspense.

This is the first piece we have done, so a lot of improvements could be made such as the cutting of clips and putting more effort into the mis-en-scene and more thought into the different camera shots and angles.

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